Saturday, July 9, 2016

Summer is Hot!

July is here and summer is HOT!!!

It is SO HOT that we don't go outside as often
as when it was more comfortable to go outside in the spring.

It is so HOT that this is what we did 2 days ago,
and have not even bothered to write about it yet!

We did manage to go to the Open Space Visitor Center
for a quick visit on Thursday.

The seasonal pond had no geese or birds on it.

It had green grass along the edge, but since they cleaned it
in April, the pond was visible.

The green was bright and well grown,
and the blue sky was nice to see.

Okay, going inside seemed like a good choice in the heat!

Inside has much cooler air!!!!

It also has pieces in the collection from our local history.

We found out last time we visited that area was about
an excavation site right next to the Open Space Visitor Center!

These pueblo buildings were pretty much on this property!

I decided to look through the pottery pieces.

Wow! These excavated pottery pieces are so interesting!

Also, the longer we hang out here, the longer we are inside
where the air conditioning is!

Outside again! I did talk to the property custodian.
Geese and cranes spend late fall through the winter
on this field. I found out that the land owner grew
alfalfa and it was time to harvest it. Good deal!

The garden was not as full as we had seen last year.

There were three business people talking to the side.
I did not photograph them, but I was surprised that they
were not holding their informal meeting or chat time inside!

But yes, it is still pretty cool to have a "river" in the tiles
and the volcanoes to represent our history!

There is an adobe doorway leading to a path that people
use to walk, jog, or exercise on as it is not on the side of the road
and not on a large hillside.

The yellow flowers are pretty!

But did we mention,
if we are outside and it is hot, it is time to stand under a tree
in the shade!!!

1 comment:

  1. Ella so suits blue, I love this Spampy outfit on her.
    I agree, the summer is too hot here too for little resin girlies to be out and about in the the Open Space Visitor Centre was the perfect spot to cool off and learn some local history.
