A Schleich flamingo arrived last week.
When it found out that real flamingos are at the zoo,
it really wanted to go see them!
Ella came along as the main companion for our trip to the zoo.
their exhibit, but we decided to enjoy and appreciate the
other animals and features at the zoo.

A carousel of wild animals is a newer feature at the zoo.
Fun for many, and beautiful or interesting for the rest of us.
in their fur. It may be related to the water, but I assume that they
are well cared for and the green is not against their health.
The enclosure was redesigned for them.
who passed away related to age.
area that has a tiled chair often used for photos with children.
that add to the environmental design.
with blue bottles on it!
under their enclosure.
ones around two years old.
I believe that the rhino is the one who arrived when
he was young. He has become much bigger!
Mama elephant also waited for lunch.
to leave soon.
so we appreciated our opportunity to view them.
What a wonderful trip that has been! Oh, and it's totally normal for Polar bears to turn green in warm climates. Their hairs are hollow and algae can grow in them. It doesn't harm neither the near mir the algae.