Saturday, August 30, 2014

Overall Saturday

I have been looking forward to sewing
for Ella for the past few days.
Finally, a weekend!

I purchased this purple fabric at the quilting shop
last weekend.
The pattern is an old Ann Estelle pattern (10 inch)
reduced to 95%.

 The pattern includes pieces for pockets,
but I have found that an interesting fabric
does just as well without it.
After seeing this completed,
I wish I had added the side pant pockets,
but the overalls turned out well.

Ella models the value of being CUTE!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

In the Kitchen

I purchased 3 green chiles and 3 apples
at Wagner Farms today.

What are we going to do with these?

What is this?
It looks like a stove that is my size!
Well, almost.

Can you teach me how to cook?

What do you mean "you don't know how to cook"?!!!

I'll watch some YouTube videos on cooking,
and when you get home from work,
I'll teach YOU how to cook!

Chile in New Mexico

The end of summer is the beginningof chile season!

Green chile is used as a spicy vegetable in traditional
New Mexican dishes as well as in almost anything
that also has cheese.

Green chile is often added cheeseburgers, pizza, or breakfast burritos

It is also made into stews and green chile sauces.
It is roasted on site when it is purchased,
or by the individuals who purchase it.

My favorite place to watch green chile roasting
and to purchase my fall pumpkins
is a small family farm stand in the rural village of Corrales.

Green chile is roasted in a covered area 
to the side of the small building.

The young man roasting chiles saw me hold up Ella.
"Here" he said, and he took her to hold her near the roaster.

I took one picture.
He was kind, but I did not want her damaged by the heat.

He told me that he and his girlfriend had gone backpacking
around Europe, and had taken a doll who they photographed along the way.
He was a nice young man.
I enjoyed hearing his personal connection and acceptance
with my doll photos,

but watching the roasting back where the people were was just fine.

One set of chiles were done.

Another man started another bag of chiles.

We went inside.
Chiles are sold by the bushel or the bag.

Wagner's Farm has a seasonally open small
warehouse type building.

They also sell corn, watermelon, apples,
peaches, and other local organic fruits and vegetables.

Green chile is a big product this time of year.

This wagon wheel is an outside window frame.
There is no glass on the other side,
but I believe that they do have glass for it.

Ella is wearing a necklace with a New Mexican
"good luck" type charm on it called a "milagro".
I believe I purchased it many years ago at the
Sancturio de Chimayo, which is a mission church
in Northern New Mexico known for healing miracles.
It is strung with glass beads on elastic floss.

Are you sure you got some good pictures of me
with the chile?

While at Wagner's Farms, I took a lot of pictures,
and purchased 3 organic MacIntosh Apples and 3 green chiles.

Driving toward home,
I stopped at the quilting shop in Corrales.

I purchased 3 fat quarters in batik style prints.

Across the street from Quilts Ole
I found a wonderful adobe style wall with
natural posts. This is so New Mexico!

Are you sure it is legal
to take pictures of someone's fence?

Enough of that adventure...time for lunch!

I tried Chiptle Mexican Grill
for the first time today.

I had a bean and steak burrito with cheese and guacamole.

It was good. There was something a bit spicy in it...