Saturday, August 2, 2014

Dolly Saturday

Since I work during the week,
Saturday tends to be my "dolly day".
I woke up bright and early today!
Ante was not as impressed.

 It rained during the night
leaving gray clouds behind.
At the moment, it is an inside kind of a day.
I purchased a higher quality white fabric yesterday,
and sewed up a pair of white shorts to go with her Spampy shirt.
Now the shirt stands out.

Another moment of not being impressed.

Why are you making me do this?

I ordered Glastic Blue Gray eyes for her,
but when they arrived,
I realized that I had ordered a size 12mm
instead of a size 14mm.
I am returning the 12mm eyes
and the 14mm Blue Gray eyes have been shipped.
Meanwhile, we are revisiting
the Dark Blue Dusk eyes.

Are you ready to go out yet?

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