Saturday, March 14, 2015

Early Signs of Spring

March 8, 2015

On March 8th, I realized that the white flowers
on the Bradford Pear Trees had begun to bloom.

For years I thought they were Cherry Tree flowers.
They remind me of the National Cherry Tree Festival.
I looked it up, and although we have not been formally introduced,
I believe they are Bradford Pear Trees.
Each year, these blossoms appear as one of the first signs of spring.

March 13, 2015

Just a few days later, on March 13th,
They had progressed in their blooming, and green leaves
had started to grow.
Eventually, the green leaves will cover the trees
and the fast transitioning blossoms will disappear.

 March 14, 2015

I noticed that the daffodils were in buds about to bloom.
They are another early sign of spring.

The bit hardier pansies had begun to bloom before the snow storm
a few weeks ago, and managed to recover.

The moisture from the melted snow followed
by warmer, longer days seems to have benefited
our landscaping.

Soon it will be spring!


  1. Lovely photos of spring, don't you just love all that 'newness', I know I do!
    And Ella looks great sitting in the tree surrounded by blossoms :)
    The only thing I often find though, when the trees fill with their delicate blossoms, it is often a sign that soon there will be winds that blow the poor little flowers off in all directions.....I guess that's nature though and Mother Nature says "well they had their moment, now it's time for them to move on!"
    Hugs Sharon in Spain x

  2. Wow, your trees have buds and flowers already! Looks great and I see that Ella is really enjoying being outside. We also have Bradford pear trees on our property but they have not yet begun to bud. The temperatures are finally above freezing here and our snow is melting so it should be really soon. Yay for spring!
